

Colposcopic assessment

Colposcopy involves the visualization of the cervix using a specialized microscope. This is done in the clinic rooms and similar to a pap smear. Colposcopy usually takes 5 to 10 minutes. It also gives the opportunity to the doctor to take a 2mm biopsy for complete reassurance. 

Indications for colposcopy by a gynaecologist include

  • 3 “unsatisfactory” pap smears

  • Women having a “low grade abnormality” pap smear with history of a previous Women having a “low grade abnormality” pap smear with history of any “high grade abnormality” in the past

  • Women > 30 years having a “low grade abnormality” pap smear and are positive for high risk HPV virus.

  • Women having a “high grade abnormality” pap smear

Large Loop Excision of Transformation Zone (LLETZ)

For women with a “high grade abnormality” pap smear and a confirmatory biopsy the recommended treatment is removing the affected skin over the cervix. This is performed to prevent the abnormality progressing to cervical cancer. A LLETZ procedure can be done awake with some local anaesthesia or under general anaesthesia in a theatre. The amount of skin removed is at a depth of 5-7mm and width of 10-15mm.