My Procedures
Hysteroscopy is the visualization of the inside of the uterus with a small camera (diameter of the camera is 3- 5mm). The procedure is commonly recommended as an investigation for abnormal uterine bleeding or for investigation of infertility. The camera is passed in through the vagina and cervix with no cutting required. Hysteroscopy procedures are still offered awake under local anaesthesia or asleep under general anaesthesia for patient comfort. The procedure commonly lasts 20-30min. They are day procedures meaning patients can leave hospital the same day as the operation.
In addition to Hysteroscopy, Dr. Praveen also specialises in the following procedures:
Hysteroscopy Dilatation and Curretage
Hysteroscopy + Mirena insertion
Hysteroscopy Polypectomy
Hysteroscopic resection of submucosal fibroid
Hysterscopic adhesiolysis
Hysteroscopy and endometrial ablation
Colposcopy involves the visualization of the cervix using a specialized microscope. This is done in the clinic rooms and similar to a pap smear. Colposcopy usually takes 5 to 10 minutes. It also gives the opportunity to the doctor to take a 2mm biopsy for complete reassurance. Indications for colposcopy by a gynaecologist include
3 “unsatisfactory” pap smears
Women having a “low grade abnormality” pap smear with history of a previous Women having a “low grade abnormality” pap smear with history of any “high grade abnormality” in the past
Women > 30 years having a “low grade abnormality” pap smear and are positive for high risk HPV virus.
Women having a “high grade abnormality” pap smear
Large Loop Excision of Transformation Zone (LLETZ)
For women with a “high grade abnormality” pap smear and a confirmatory biopsy the recommended treatment is removing the affected skin over the cervix. This is performed to prevent the abnormality progressing to cervical cancer. A LLETZ procedure can be done awake with some local anaesthesia or under general anaesthesia in a theatre. The amount of skin removed is at a depth of 5-7mm and width of 10-15mm.
Laparoscopy is a surgical procedure where a 5mm or 10mm camera is inserted through an incision in the belly button. The incision can be made to be invisible after healing. Smaller 5mm incisions are often made lower in the abdomen to allow passage of surgical instruments.
Praveen specialises in the following laparoscopic procedures: