Meet our multi-disciplinary team
My Story
Praveen was born and raised in Wellington. He completed his Bachelor of Medicine and Sciences through the University of Otago, Wellington campus. His passion towards women’s health originated after spending his medical elective at the Mother Teresa Hospital in Kolkata India where he assisted in the safe delivery of many mothers with minimal access to healthcare.
My formative years were spent growing up in Wellington, and my medical and specialist training has taken me all around New Zealand. In 2019 I had the privilege of joining the world-leading team at Sydney Women’s Endosurgery Centre (SWEC), to complete a 24-month fellowship — to obtain the sought-after AGES (Australasian Gyanecological Endoscopy and Surgery) qualification. One of my recent professional highlights was conducting a randomized clinical trial using pelvic nerve blocks to reduce post-operative pain for women, for which I won best presentation at the 2021 AGES annual scientific meeting.
I have recently returned home with my young family, to take up a position at Waitemata DHB, as an advanced endometriosis surgeon. In my free time you will generally find me chasing behind a bicycle or scooter, or trying to convince a toddler of the value of sleep.
Charlotte is a Clinical Nurse-Specialist with over a decade of experience in Women and Children's health. She has a keen interest in Pain Management and a Multi-Disciplinary approach to Endometriosis. She is frequently involved in both pre-operative and post-operative check ups.
Karen and Catherine
Karen and Catherine are Consultant Anaesthetists providing care for my surgical patients. Both have extensive experience in pain management and specialised anaesthesia regimes for Women's Health and complex pain conditions. Prior to surgery they will undertake a consultation to optimise your health and discuss medications.
Surgical assistants
Dee (left) is a nurse with over two decades of experience in theatre nursing. She is also fluent in Cantonese and Mandarin and will aid me in consultations for non-English speaking patients. Dr Ashley Eastwood (centre) and Dr Rosalie Fergusson (right) are both consultant Gynaecologists. All three assist me with complex gynaecology and endometriosis surgery. They are very happy to meet you on the day of surgery and help with answering any questions you may have.
Colorectal surgeon and Endoscopist
BSc, MBChB 2004 (Otago), FRACS 2013 (General Surgery), MCCSANZ 2017 (Colorectal)
Mr Andrew Herd
Andrew is my assisting colorectal surgeon for endometriosis cases requiring rectal disc excision and bowel resections.
Mr. Andrew Herd is a New Zealand trained General and Colorectal Surgeon and Endoscopist. After completion of his General Surgical training, he completed a two-year post-fellowship training program as part of the Australasian Colorectal Society, with one year spent in the prestigious Goligher unit in Leeds (UK) and one year at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital (Sydney, Australia).
Dietitian and Nutritionist
BSc (Bachelor of Science), MDiet (Master of Dietetics), NZRD (New Zealand Registered Dietitian)
Teresa Gudex
Teresa works out of Auckland Gynaecology group with me and is a close friend and colleague. She is achieving great results for many of my endometriosis patients and will be able to give people a good starting point for dietary modification.
Since finishing her training at Otago University in 2014 Teresa has worked in hospitals in Hawkes Bay, Auckland and Ireland in a range of positions with adults and children. Her main area of interest is the critical importance of nutrition in the peri conception period and with pelvic pain. She aims to make dietary changes that are backed up by science and achieve results with the least amount of restriction possible.
Podcast Episode
We need to talk with Toni Street
Hysterectomies with Dr. Praveen De Silva
Bachelor of Medical Sciences with First Class Honours BMedSci(Hons) 2009
Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery MBChB 2011
Diploma of Obstetrics and Medical Gynaecology DipOMG 2012
Fellow of Royal Australasian College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists 2020
Australasian Gynaecological and Endoscopic Surgery Fellowship 2019-2021
AGES/ AAGL exchange award for best original research presentation at AGES annual scientific meeting 2021
Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners (RNZCGP) Trainee Intern prize for professionalism 2011
Edward Kerkin Scholarship awarded for BMedSci 2009
Investigator and Site Personnel Good clinical practice training- Genesis Research Services 2020
Cervical Quality Improvement Programme (C-Quip) RANZCOG 2019
P4/ P4b/ P6/ P7 Davinci Robotic Xi Training modules 2019
Early management of severe trauma (EMST) Royal College of Surgeons (RACS) 2017
Care of the Critically Ill Surgical Patient (CCrISP) Royal College of Surgeons (RACS) 2017
Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ALCS) Level New Zealand Resuscitation Council (NZRC) 2017
Royal Australian New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RANZCOG)
Australian Gynaecological Endoscopy Surgery society (AGES)
American Association of Gynaecological Laparoscopists (AAGL)
DaVinci Surgery Community
Australian Medical Association
Medical Protection Society
New Zealand Medical Council
The “Rendezvous” technique for Caesarean Scar defect. Combined Hysteroscopy & Laparoscopic Repair
Nagi K, De Silva P, Daniel S, Bukhari M, Choi S et al | Poster AGES ASM | October 2022
Superior HypogastricSuperior Hypogastric Plexus Block in Minimally Invasive Gynaecology: A Randomised Controlled Trial De Silva P, Daniels S, Bukhari M, Choi S, Liew A, Rosen DMB, Conrad D, Cario GC, Chou D | Oral Presentation AGES ASM | October 2021
Robotic Surgery: a 2020 vision. How far has it come? What is its future? De Silva P, Crumb R | Oral Presentation RANZCOG webinar | August 2020
The all-in-one endometrioma excisionDe Silva P, Chou D, Rosen DMB, Choi S, Daniels S, Bukhari M, Cario GM | Poster AGES Annual Scientific Meeting | Sydney March 2020
The immediate development of colovaginal fistula after hysterectomy. An unusual presentationDe Silva P, Rosen DMB, Chou D, Choi S, Daniels S, Bukhari M, Cario GM | Poster AGES Annual Scientific Meeting | Sydney March 2020
How bad are these adhesions? A review of the classification of Ashermann Syndrome and a video demonstrationListijono DR, De Silva P, Rosen DMB, Chou D, Choi S, Daniels S, Bukhari M, Cario GM | Poster AGES Annual Scientific Meeting | Sydney March 2020
Fumerate hydrate deficiency leiomyomasDaniels S, De Silva P, Rosen DMB, Chou D, Choi S, Bukhari M, Cario GM | Poster AGES Annual Scientific Meeting | Sydney March 2020
Uterine positioning system: First Australian seriesDaniels S, De Silva P, Rosen DMB, Chou D, Choi S, Bukhari M, Cario GM | Poster AGES Annual Scientific Meeting | Sydney March 2020
Laparoscopic reverse submucosal dissection (Sydney Shaving). Standardising rectal shaving for bowel endometriosisBukhari M, Chou D, De Silva P, Daniels S, Rosen DMB, Choi S, Cario GM | Poster AGES Annual Scientific Meeting | Sydney March 2020
Complications in laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy with concurrent hysterectomy- a five year update: the SWEC techniqueBukhari M, De Silva P, Daniels S, Rosen DMB, Choi S, Cario GM, Chou D | Poster AGES Pelvic Floor Meeting | Sydney October 2019
Pelvic Schwannoma encountered at laparoscopyDe Silva P, Conrad D, Choi S, Al-Shamari M, Daniels S, Rosen DMB, Chou D | Poster AGES Annual Scientific Meeting | Perth March 2019
Laparoscopic cervical cerclage using Mersilene tapeDe Silva P, Naqiso S, Harrison KR | Poster AGES Annual Scientific Meeting | Perth March 2019
Contained laparoscopic power morcellation for large pelvic masses.Al-shamari M, Choi S, Conrad D, Choi S, De Silva P, Daniels S, Rosen DMB, Chou D | Oral Presentation AGES Annual Scientific Meeting | Perth March 2019
Complete resection of a large, ultra-low, full thickness rectovaginal endometriotic nodule with natural orifice specimen extractions (NOSE) and Robot-assisted technique by a multidisciplinary team- anatomical and technical considerations.Choi S, Al-shamari M, Conrad D, De Silva P, Daniels S, Rosen DMB, Chou D | Oral Presentation AGES Annual Scientific Meeting | Perth March 2019
Robotic-assisted benign gynaecology: A 6 year multicenter experience.Conrad D, Choi S, Al-shamari M, De Silva P, Daniels S, Cario GM, Rosen DMB, Chou D | Oral Presentation AGES Annual Scientific Meeting | Perth March 2019
Vault closure during total laparoscopic hysterectomy with FlexDex system: First Australian series.Conrad D, Al-shamari M, De Silva P, Choi S, Daniels S, Cario GM, Rosen DMB, Chou D | Oral Presentation AGES Annual Scientific Meeting | Perth March 2019
Neuropelveology: Why do we need to know about pelvic nerves?Chou D, Al-shamari M, De Silva P, Conrad D, Choi S, Daniels S, Cario GM, Rosen DMB, | Oral Presentation AGES Annual Scientific Meeting | Perth March 2019
Removing the large uterus without morcellation. The Colpo-Vincision for specimen extraction at hysterectomyConrad D, Al-shamari M, De Silva P, Choi S, Daniels S, Cario GM, Rosen DMB, Chou D | Oral Presentation AGES Annual Scientific Meeting | Perth March 2019
Quality of life assessment after vaginal electrical stimulation for women with urinary incontinence unsuitable for biofeedback therapyDe Silva P, Keedle L, Machin S | Poster Presentation RANZCOG Annual Scientific Meeting | Auckland 2017
The Challenges of Perimortem Caesarean sectionDe Silva P, Maharaj D, Langana F | Oral Presentation RANZCOG Annual Scientific Meeting | Wellington 2015
The use of implantable cardioverter defibrillator in the New Zealand context from 2000 to 2007De Silva P, Harding S, Larsen P | Poster Presentation CSANZ Annual Scientific Meeting | Adelaide 2009
Superior Hypogastric Plexus Nerve Block in Minimally Invasive Gynaecology: A Randomised Controlled Trial. De Silva P, Daniels S, Bukhari ME, Choi S, Liew A, Rosen DMB, Conrad, D, Cario Gm, Chou D. JMIG 2021, doi:10.1016/j.jmig.2021.06.017
De Silva P, Maharaj D, Langana F | ANZJOG 2016, Vol 56;6 p662-665
Ovarian hyperstimulation guidelines.
De Silva P| MidCentral District Health Board 2014
The use of Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators in the New Zealand Context from 2000-2007
Larsen P, De Silva P, Harding S | NZMJ 2010, Vol 123;1309 p76-85
The cost effectiveness of Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators in New Zealand
De Silva P | Thesis for BMedSci(Hons) University of Otago 2009